Where's the Money?

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Mon, 12/16/2019 - 13:35
Federal Reserve

The money is coming from the Fed in the form of overnight Repo. But everything is great, right?  The Fed had to spur the overnight funds for the banks. The banks putting up their Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and TBills to get the  cash.  Basically the banks aren't lending and the Fed is having to prop it up.

The prop up is closing in on $1T dollars.  If you are looking at the stock market as the sign of the market, it is fake. Don't get consumed by the distraction. The Feds action shows things are not well.  They have been getting away with it for  12+ years, but it will stop. 

When it stops everyone is going to get hurt. The last 12+ yeas is a drug induced numbness.  $1T is a lot of drugs to keep keep the party going. Do you want to be a victim of it?  Keep your eyes open.