Of Course Obamacare will Stay (at least the tax)

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Mon, 12/30/2019 - 18:45
Chris Ducret

AP released an article today about why after 3 years no Obamacare replacement.  The simple reason is money.  For the month of November, the US spent $434B. The amount of cash the government took (revenue to a business, tax for a government) is $225B.  So the government is spending nearly 2x of what is taking in. But that is OK, because just issue debt, which is what is being done.

For all of us working stiffs, just take a look at Department of Treasury's breakdown of spending and where (who they) are getting their money from.

Chris DucretAll the cash the government gets is from people working.  Obamacare provides additional cash that is desperately needed to keep the game going.

This is not going to improve.

More to come on just how bad the financial outlook is for the US (other countries not in any better shape).