Going Viral

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Thu, 02/20/2020 - 18:48
Chris Ducret

Regardless of the medical severity of COVID-19, the economic impact unfolding in China will have be seen in the next 60 to 90 days when products not on the shelves.  But looking beyond what is right in front of us, looking at shipping from China to the US will give the exact time interruptions will begin to hit the US.  Just in time manufacturing demands not keeping inventory on hand to make or sell. Tech is going to take the big hit (not services tech per say but equipment tech), like Apple's announcement. The chip companies are going to get slammed and their supply chain. Oil and LNG already getting hit. Shipping already hit. 

If you want a live view watch Maritime Traffic.  

With an interruption of a just a few weeks. will result in a minimum of 3 months of disruption. So is this a good time to start talking about which companies are actually financially stable in a market that has not cared?  Wonder what happens when debt payments cannot be met in the next 2 quarters because nothing can be built