Boeing Bullshit

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 01:20
Chris Ducret

Today Boeing had its bonds downgraded to BBB while put on the negative watch list.  Next stop for Boeing is junk bond status. 737 Max fiasco has not helped the company. What did help the company was doubling its debt within 1 year while buying back their stock in the amount of $100B to juice their stock higher.

Now the SHTF moment is arriving and what does Boeing do? Run to the government for a bailout under too big to fail.  Probably going to get. Why not, make their money by juicing stock prices while loading on debt. No responsibility. Now that there is trouble, oops.....please pay from my mistake tax payers.

Boeing needs cash then sell the stock you have to raise it. It will collapse your price more, but hey had no problem inflating it, but now faced with deflating, run to the government for your hand out.....Bullshit.