Big Shorting Approach.....Look!

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Sun, 01/12/2020 - 16:19
Christopher Ducret

In the movie the Big Short, the renegade traders did one thing no one else did, look.  While the hype of the market reaching record levels, things can't be better for the economy, record low unemployment, etc we live in an age where the information is readily accessible to everyone, yet are people really looking?

The recent employment numbers announced @ 145,000 new jobs. Remember par is 150,000 new jobs per month.  Class 8 truck orders collapsed, train freight collapsed etc etc.  But no one wants to hear bad news only good.

The problem with burying heads in the sand is at the end of the day it will be main street (us) that will pay the bill. This is not new and the people gambling I think know it after reinforcement of 2008.

The challenge is to look. So to help things gets started, we in the coming weeks we will look at Analyst picks for "investing" from the portfolio of the Top 25 analysts .  

If you know what is really going on, you are in a position to protect and succeed no matter the circumstances.