
Hickey: "This Is A Perfect Environment For Gold"

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 18:59

Authored by Christoph Gisiger via,

Fred Hickey, editor of the investment newsletter «The High-Tech Strategist», warns that the stock market is still in a bubble. The veteran investor says why he avoids red hot technology stocks like Amazon and instead bets his money on gold mining companies.

Rebounding Perspective

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 16:31

The chaos seems to be just getting started.  To add to the perspective DJIA is at 19,976. That is about the range the market was in January 2017. The DJIA market peaked at 29,398 on February 14, 2020. It took the market 3 years and 1 month to get to its peak. It has taken < 35 days to get back to 2017.  But maybe this is the 2018 event and things will go right back up the peak a little over a year later.  The Supply Chain broke in China. Now the demand side is completely broken, worse that the supply side break.  Just getting started?

Amid the Chaos, Fire Insurance

Submitted by Chris Ducret on Sun, 03/15/2020 - 19:31

With the chaos unfolding hourly, keeping your eye on the ball can be hard through all of the noise.  Take Boeing, taping their $13B credit line to keep the lights on. With US Corporate debt at all time highs, time to make list of who is in for a collapse. Small, mid, and large caps it is all the same issue. Borrowing of money for stock buyback or pay dividends to juice stock prices will not hold up anymore.  Simple issue the businesses  do not justify the prices, but taking stock out of the market sure helps.